
Ross County Court of Common Pleas
Juvenile Division

Mailing Address: 2 N. Paint St, Suite A
Chillicothe, OH  45601

Physical Address: 14 S. Paint St., Suite 27
Foulke Block, 3rd Floor, Chillicothe, OH  45601

Phone: (740) 772-2404          Fax: (740) 772-2419

Hours of Operation
8:00 a.m – 4:00 p.m.
Closed on all legal holidays

Introduction to the Juvenile Probation Department
Administrator of Juvenile Programs

Prior to March 1, 2016 the Ross County Court of Common Pleas Juvenile Division’s, Probation Department, was made up of two separate departments; the Juvenile Probation Department and the Title IV-E Division.  At the start of 2016, Judge Benson determined that is was more productive and effective to merge the units in order to manage the Unruly and Delinquent youth of Ross County on a consistent basis.  Staff in both units remained the same, they are now all responsible for the functions of both divisions. (Since 2007 the statistics for the Juvenile Division Probation Department would have been broken up by each specific department.) The Ross County Court of Common Pleas Juvenile Division remains a Title IV-E Certified Court.  The court is monitored under the guidelines set forth by Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. As a Title IV-E Entity Juvenile Court is eligible for and has received Federal Financial Participation reimbursement. This is a juvenile justice entitlement program that reimburses a percentage of the local costs for services to unruly and delinquent youth. The Commissioners receive a percentage of the funding with the reimbursement remains with the court to enhance juvenile justice services in our community.

Cheri Smitley
Assistant Administrator
Billie Lytle
Deputy Clerk
Erika Harris
Probation Officers

The Juvenile Probation Department monitors juveniles placed on probation by the Judge or Magistrates in the Juvenile Court. The juvenile court assesses youth for community risk, level of care and broker a range of services for youth and families. When necessary Juvenile Court will assume care and custody of unruly and delinquent youth and ensure education, comprehensive mental and behavioral health intervention services, and treatment are provided to youth and families to promote family preservation. Oversight of Reclaim Ohio and the development of programs and services remains under the administration of juvenile programs.

Shanna Haybron, Chief PO
Matt Sutherland
Kim Sollars

The Juvenile Probation Department also:

    • prepares and files monthly reports for the individuals on probation;
    • prepares and files reports and memos ordered by the Juvenile Court;
    • finds residential placements and non-residential treatment programs for juveniles with alcohol and drug abuse problems;
    • monitors the probationer’s school attendance;
    • assigns community service worksites and monitors the juvenile’s performance;
    • assigns juveniles placed in the RESCUE program worksites;
    • takes payments for restitution.
    • Monitor service delivery in accordance with case plan activities
    • Pre-dispositional investigations
    • Recommend and supervise placements of unruly/delinquent youth
    • Facilitate reunification efforts between youth and family
    • Facilitate social service development for youth and family
    •  Supervise and case manage youth “at risk” for removal from the home
    • Participate in identifying community service gaps and the development of collaborative relationships that proactively meets the needs of youth and family in the community.
    • The Juvenile Probation Department further administers drug tests and monitors children placed on electronic monitoring; and various other duties as directed by the Juvenile Court.
Quincey Bailey

To make a restitution payment by credit card, click here:

Special Programs
RESCUE is a work program to assist juveniles in completing their restitution obligation.  This program is set up through the DYS 510 Youth Services Grant Allocation.
  Juvenile Court has had a high degree of involvement and interest in community programs and collaborative ventures that support youth and families. The Court has initiated diversion program and fostered alternative strategies to divert youth from court sanctions and out-of-home placements.  With dwindling budgets and increased pressures to serve unruly and delinquent youth the court has identified alternative resources to administer justice, rehabilitate juveniles, prommote public safety and provide opportunities to strengthen families.
  In September of 2006, the Ross County Juvenile Court became a certified Title IV-E entity under the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. Through Title IV-E, the federal government will reimburse a percentage of local dollars spent for services currently being provided by county juvenile courts. The Juvenile Court IV-E staff assesses youth for community risk, level of care and broker a range of services for youth and families. When necessary, the IV-E will assume care and custody of unruly and delinquent youth and ensure education, comprehensive mental and behavioral health intervention services, and treatment are provided to youth and families to promote family preservation.  IV-E staff also:
  • monitor service delivery in accordance with case plan activities;
  • pre-dispositional investigations;
  • compliance with federal IV-E regulations;
  • adhere to state child welfare policies and regulations ;
  • recommend and supervise placements of unruly/delinquent youth;
  • facilitate reunification efforts between youth and family;
  • facilitate social service developement for youth and family;
  • complete required court reports and directives;
  • supervise and case manage youth "at risk" for removal from the home;
  • participate in identifying community service gaps and the developement of collaborative relationships that proactively meet the needs of youth and family in the community.
Juvenile Division
Juvenile Probation Department
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